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18 Must-Read Email Marketing Articles

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As you might imagine, we read a lot about email marketing. Since we can’t write about all of it on the blog, we decided to share some of our all-time favorite email marketing posts. These posts range from instructional to thought-provoking, and cover everything from subject lines to science. We’ve found these to be particularly inspiring and we hope they get your creative juices flowing as well.

Editor’s note: Obviously, we missed a lot of great articles. Leave your favorites in the comments, and if we like them, we’ll add them to the list.

How to get your first 100 email subscribers

In the 5 months since my blog launched my email list has grown from 0 to 1,573 subscribers and my web traffic to 19,344 visitors. Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to do the same. Copy what I did, it works.

8 Effective Email Marketing Strategies, Backed by Science

To be sure, finding the key to a stand-out message is critical to your bottom line—whether that bottom line is cold, hard cash or community engagement or anything in between. What follows are eight inbox-tested email marketing strategies that successful senders have used to get their emails clicked.

67 Tools That Will Help You Grow Your Email List

Your email list is the heart of your marketing strategy. When you write a blog post, the people on your email list will be the first to read it. When you have a webinar, the people on your list will be the first to sign up. And, when you offer a new product, the people on your list will be the first to try it.

This article will show you 67 tools you can use to start growing your email list today.

Email Marketing’s 10 Most Important Questions, Answered

Email reaches three times more people than Twitter and Facebook combined.

Clearly email marketing deserves your time and attention. And like any aspect of marketing, there can be a learning curve to discover the ins and outs and best practices. Hopefully these answers to ten of the most common and important email questions can make the learning curve a little less steep.

8 Ways To Keep Your Email Engagement Alive & Lucrative

In this article, we’ll discuss a 3-step framework and 5 strategies to help you keep email engagement up in those first 30 days and beyond.

Along the way, we’ll explore research and relevant case studies to help you get those hard-earned leads back into your marketing funnel.

How to Include Video in Your Email Marketing

Approximately half of the marketers who used video in email campaigns saw increased click-through rates, increased time spent reading the email, and increased sharing and forwarding.

Email Retargeting: Not Just For Websites & Display Networks Anymore

[Let’s] talk about maximizing your email marketing efforts – specifically by using email retargeting to display ads across all mediums, including social, to improve the lifetime value of customers across every channel.

5 Email Subject Line Strategies That Will Increase Your Open Rates

Subject lines are the first thing your recipients see in their inboxes. The subject line is given pride of place and many argue that you should spend almost twice as much time reviewing your subject line compared with reviewing the body of your email. That’s a big call…but nailing your subject line really does pays off.

Growth Hacking with Email Receipts Is a Huge Missed Opportunity

Email receipts are the easiest way into an inbox, yet they’re the most underutilized form of email marketing.

The Customer Journey to Online Purchase

These days, the customer journey has grown more complex. Before making an online purchase decision, a customer may engage with your brand through many different media channels over several days. This tool helps you explore and understand the customer journey to improve your marketing programs.

How to Write the Perfect Email Subject Line [Infographic]

The average business person receives over 100 emails a day. I know that personally, on the commute to work every day, I delete 90% of them, so that my inbox is more digestible by the time I get to work. In short, there’s a lot of crap out there. And despite the promise we all tell ourselves to unsubscribe from all of the emails you don’t want to receive, some companies make you jump through hoops to do this, which is discouraging at best.

So how do you cut through the clutter and make sure your email isn’t one of the ones that get’s dumped right away? Easy, you write a perfect email subject line. Sure, it’s that easy.

152 killer keywords for email subject lines (and 137 crappy ones)

We had a hunch that word choice in email subject lines have a strong effect on response rates. So, we tested 287 keywords across a sample of 2.2bn emails to see which work, and which don’t.

The 9 Best Email Marketing Tips From 2013

Using customer actions as triggers, leveraging individual customer profile in emails, embracing mobile email templates and using automated email campaigns to build momentum were all hot last year. Here are 10 practical tips that made an impact in 2013. Make sure you put them to good use as part of your email marketing tactics in 2014.

Mike Greenfield on Growing Email Engagement by 10x

In 2010, Circle of Moms was in trouble. Traffic was down 50% and engagement from their 6 million registered users was low. Mike took to email optimization to turn the business around. Mike’s success was first outlined by these 6 focus areas:

  1. Inbox delivery
  2. One-item focus
  3. Quality
  4. Subject optimization
  5. Winners and losers
  6. Frequency

37 Tips for Writing Emails that Get Opened, Read, and Clicked

Does it feel like a big challenge to get people to open and read your emails? And then to go on to click through?

It doesn’t really need to be so hard. You’re about to learn the most important advice I’ve found for writing emails that get opened, read, and clicked.

6 lessons you can learn from Amazon’s killer email marketing

The internet is scattered with stories of Amazon’s fantastic email marketing. Spend some time purchasing from or simply browsing Amazon.com and it’ll only be a matter of hours before you experience their email marketing for yourself (just check your inbox).

10 Examples of Brilliant Email Marketing (and Why They’re So Great)

Because of the difficulty to find good examples on email, we decided to do the scouring for you. What we found were 10 examples of effective email marketing. Read on to find out which emails we chose and get the lowdown on what makes them great — or just keep on scrolling to get a general feel for each.

8 Ways to Convert Free Trial Users Into Customers Through Email Marketing

What you need to do is empower the user – and one of the best ways to reach them during the trial period is through their inbox. This post will teach you how to harness the power of email marketing to increase your customer activation rates.

We know we missed a lot of great articles. Let us know in the comments and if we like them, we’ll add them to the list.

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