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How Flightfox doubled their remarketing email conversions

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No…You didn’t read that wrong.

Flightfox recently doubled their remarketing email conversions.

Thanks to email remarketing and A/B testing, email now drives approximately 10% of Flightfox’s overall sales.

In this blog post we share the email copy that led to this increase and show you how you can do the same by deconstructing what is working so well.


Email really is a powerful tool when it comes to increasing your sales. There is always room to improve your communication and often a minor tweak can make a big difference.

[subscribelocker] Some background on Flightfox’s funnel: when you begin a contest on Flightfox.com you provide your flight details (origin, destination, dates, rules, and email) and, in a second step, publish the contest live by putting down your credit card.

As you can imagine there is a drop-off in customers from step one to step two.

An excellent team, Flightfox are extremely scientific in everything they do and for this reason they’re the perfect case study.

The winning email

Without further ado, here’s the email that is working so well for Flightfox:

Hi there,


I’m Lauren, a co-founder of Flightfox. Just getting in touch because I noticed you didn’t launch your flight contest.


Q. Why on earth would you pay for flight search?

A. Because our Experts,

Save 27% on average for international flights

Know all the tricks of the flight industry

Can answer any question you’ve ever wondered about flying


Q. What if the Experts don’t beat the best price you’ve already found?

A. We refund the fee if our experts can’t beat your best price. Not only your best price, but your best price less the finder’s fee.


Q. Can’t you find the best flights yourself?

A. Maybe, if you’ve spent years in the flight industry. Otherwise, you’ll be amazed at what our experts can do. Many use tools and systems otherwise unknown to the general public. They can even save you thousands if you are fully flexible.


Launch Your Contest (links directly to their contest)


If you still have any questions or concerns, just reply to this email.


Happy Travels 🙂

Lauren & The Flightfox Team


If your inbox is overflowing, you can unsubscribe.

For comparison, here’s a link to their original email copy.

The original email had relatively high open and click through rates but was converting at a rate of 1.6%. This was an excellent start but there was certainly room for improvement.

With their new copy, Flightfox have been able to increase their conversion rate to 3.2%. A fantastic result that has an instant effect.

Why it’s working

Your customers are, of course, different to Flightfox’s. In order to help YOU construct equally successful emails we thought we’d break down the main reasons this email campaign nails it:

  1. Flightfox address the three main concerns their customers’ have,
  2. They offer to help the customer at the end,
  3. There is a single call to action, and
  4. They send this email within 24 hours of a customer abandoning step one in their funnel.

At a high level, this email works because Flightfox has put themselves in their customers’ shoes.

By talking to their customers and running some initial email remarketing tests they determined that the key factors stopping customers putting down their credit card was the need to understand the nature of a flight contest – the customers did not understand that they would get a refund if the flight experts didn’t come up with top results.

By sending this email Flightfox are able to better educate their would-be customers and in doing so begin to build trust with them. This in turn converts a large percentage of otherwise lost sales.

Bonus awesomeness

Email remarketing is an extremely good use of your time. Here’s some reasons why setting up an email like this is well worth the hour or two you’ll spend to get it up and running:

  1. It’s set-and-forget. Flightfox can now let this campaign run and it will maintain virtually the same conversion rate. Incredible. It has essentially permanently lifted their site-wide conversions.
  2. It’s cheap. The cost of sending an email is negligible: 1000 times cheaper than the average CPC on Facebook.
  3. It’s great customer service. Flightfox’s remarketing emails provide useful advice. They’re not selling snake oil: they’re saving people thousands of dollars on flights. Helping the customer understand the process and ultimately save thousands of dollars results in a true win-win.

What you should do right now

If you’re investing even 2 hours per week into other marketing channels (Facebook, Google AdWords, etc.) then you should re-invest this week’s 1-2 hours into setting up some basic email remarketing or configuring an A/B test – it will pay off.

Here’s how you can get started today.

  1. Identify which step in your funnel has the largest drop-off? Are you a SaaS company? Maybe it’s getting your customers to install some code, maybe it’s converting customers to a paid subscription, maybe it’s ensuring they stay on for a fourth month. Are you an e-commerce store? Maybe it’s getting customers who add products to the cart to complete checkout, maybe it’s getting customers who click-through from your newsletter to adding something to the cart, and so on.
  2. Track users at each stage of the funnel. Know who is where in your funnel at any given time.
  3. Implement a single email. Make it plain text, ensure it’s helpful and has a single call to action. Don’t over optimize: all you want to do is get started.

There are lots of ways you can do this but one great way is to use Vero! Click here to visit our homepage and start a free trial.

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